Preplanning Your Funeral
For most people, death is still a taboo subject. We hate the thought of our own death and so we avoid talking about it. Unfortunately, we will all face death one day and there are several reasons why it makes sense to deal with it now, rather than leaving it up to our grieving loved ones.
Here are 9 reasons why you should preplan for your final disposition:
1. Minimize stress.
Your family will be under an enormous amount of stress when you die. You can ease at least a little bit of it by making sure all your affairs are in order before you die.
2. Have it your way.
Only you know yourself and exactly what you want. Don’t assume your family knows what you want or will remember when the time comes. Do they know that you want to be cremated? Do they know what you want done with your ashes? Do you want them scattered? If so, where? If not, where do you want them kept? Do you want a large celebration of life or an intimate get-together with family and a few close friends at a local pub? The options are endless and, without a record of your wishes, your family is left to figure it out on their own during one of the most stressful times of their lives.
3. Get the details right.
When you take the time to plan, you can focus on a lot of the smaller details that might get overlooked when someone else in doing the planning. With only a few days between your death and cremation, there is a greater likelihood of someone making hasty, and unnecessary, decisions.
4. Work with people you respect.
You shop around for other big-ticket items so why not shop around for the right funeral home. The dynamic between a family and the funeral director is important. When you pre-plan, you can take the time to get to know the funeral director and decided if you believe he or she will do the best job looking after your family and making sure your final wishes are respected.
5. Eliminate financial burden on your family.
Funerals can be expensive. When you pre-plan, you have the option to prepay for everything, so your family is not faced with those unexpected costs on top of everything else they are dealing with as a result of your death.
6. Save money.
When you prepay for your arrangements, the price is locked in at today’s prices. Even if you live for another 20 years, the costs are covered.
7. Your funds are protected.
Your funds are deposited into a trust account administered by a bank or insurance company. The funeral home cannot access those funds for any purpose other than to pay your funeral expenses.
8. It’s transferrable.
If you move, any funds held in trust can be transferred to the funeral home of your choice.
9. It's Easy.
Meet with a member of our staff to put your plan in place. This is a free service we offer and there is no obligation to prepay for your plan. Whether you prepay or not, we will keep a permanent record of your final wishes so when the time comes, we can assist your family in carrying them out.
Please call or text (604) 861-9895 if would like to speak with someone about preplanning your cremation.