How Soon (or Late) Can a Cremation Be Performed?
There is no shortage of rules and regulations regarding death and burial in British Columbia. However, the rules regarding when a cremation may be performed are quite simple. Cremation may only take place when two conditions have been met. First, the cremation must not take place for at least 48 after a death and, second, the death must be properly registered with the Department of Vital Statistics.
The laws governing cremation are found in the Cremation, Interment and Funeral Services Act. This law outlines everything related to cremation, funerals, and burial. The reason for the 48-hour rule is that once a cremation takes place, it obviously cannot be undone. Therefore, the law has a built-in delay in case the authorities decide they need to investigate or reopen and investigation into the death.
Sometimes the delay can be much longer. For example, the coroner may need more time to determine the cause of death or require an autopsy to be performed. If that happens, cremation cannot be completed until the coroner’s office has completed their investigation and released the body.
The time immediately after death is very difficult for most families. Our mission is to help alleviate the anxiety you are experiencing. If you recently lost a loved and need cremation services, please do not hesitate to contact us anytime, day or night. Our phone is always on.
Only Cremations, based in Surrey, British Columbia, provides dignified and affordable cremation services. We believe every family deserves respect, reverence, and compassion. If you have any questions about this article or would like to talk to us about cremation services, please call or text (604) 861-9895.
Link: https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/04035_01
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