
Healing Through Storytelling: Sharing Memories of a Loved One

February 9th, 2024
Healing Through Storytelling Sharing Memories of a Loved One

When there is a death in the family, often we want to share memories and stories from the past. There are many ways to do this, and in today’s blog article, we would like to give you some ideas on how to do this.


There are both formal and informal ways to do this. One informal way would be to either tape the audio or videotape the gathering at someone’s house after a funeral. Often various people will tell stories.

You could also videotape a Celebration of Life. These tapes could be uploaded to YouTube for all to enjoy.

It is possible to videotape the whole funeral if it is going to be long and involved. Those who cannot attend may be happy to view it.


It is possible to have formal interviews of family members or friends that are videotaped by a professional or skilled amateur. These could later be spliced together into a longer film.

You could audiotape interviews with family and friends that can be transcribed into text.

It is also possible to ask family and friends to write down stories that they know and send them to you. These can be compiled into a self-published book. If needed, you could hire an editor or ghostwriter to polish up the finished product.

You can also set up a memorial page on social media, such as Facebook. You can then ask the public to share stories. Just be aware that if you set up a page on social media someone needs to manage and/or moderate it on an ongoing basis.

You are welcome to call us at Only Cremations (604) 861-9895 in Vancouver, and we would be happy to talk to you about all aspects of cremation and assist you with any funeral arrangements that you may need.


Only Cremations, based in Surrey, British Columbia, provides dignified and affordable cremation services. We believe every family deserves respect, reverence, and compassion. If you have any questions about this article or would like to talk to us about cremation services, please call or text (604) 861-9895.


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